Vertical Gardens: from the design to the realisation

The greenery in interior design

In recent years, the attention to the environment, ecology and - more generally - to the landscape resulted in a greater diffusion of the so-called vegetable or green walls. These walls were especially created for outdoor spaces but can be also used indoor; although they do not completely solve the environmental problems, they certainly are a great ally to fight pollution, to improve people's psyche and to re-establish a healthy contact with nature .

In fact, important scientific studies have proven that the working environment has a considerable impact on the well-being and productivity of workers. Employees who can observe even just one plant are more focused, satisfied and breathe cleaner air.
Therefore, we should not be surprised that, for this specific project "Moving office", our customer required to add a green wall inside its open space, and to position it right at the main entrance. The Company's Logo was also integrated in the green wall, giving a clear eco-friendly message.

There are different types of green walls that differ according to the type of plants inserted, the technology used and the degree of maintenance.

- Stabilised green walls are wall types with a very versatile vegetation for interiors; they do not require any type of maintenance and the necessary thicknesses can be minimum. There are different types of plants that can be used: mosses and lichens, or even more voluminous plants, which can be freely combined, as if composing a real painting.

- On the other hand, vertical gardens, need an irrigation system, since the plants planted on the vertical support surface, are alive. Despite they require a more important initial intervention at system level, the technologies used guarantee a low maintenance and an easy restoration / replacement of the plants, if necessary.

Our project provides for the construction of an internal vertical garden of about 10 Sqm, with an open dripline irrigation system.
The complete insulation from humidity is ensured by the aluminium support structure, that fixed at a certain distance from the wall provides for the ventilation. The thickness of the structure is about 10 cm, but it greatly depends on the type and growth phase of the plants. A water collection tank at the base of the structure ensures the cleanliness of the environment.
The two inspectable side jambs act as containment compartment for the irrigation pump and as passageway for pipes. In addition to the hydraulic part, it is also important to carefully study the electrical part, so as to ensure - through a remote-control unit - the remote-control management of the different components: irrigation, fertilizer dosage, tank sanitation.
The utmost attention was paid to the choice of plant essences, including: Philodendron scandens, Ficus pumila “White Sunny”, Philodendron “Imperial Green”, Anthurium clarinervium, Ficus benjamina “Danielle”, Paphiopedilum maudiae "The Queen", Dracaena marginata.

Colour, texture, and volumes give beauty and harmony to the environment.

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