The staff of FAD was honoured to attend this interesting initiative, organised by Alessandro Mazzola of Verde Profilo, at Sistema Ufficio S.r.l.
The interview by Giorgio Tartaro is now a part of his column ARCHINATURE for Verde Profilo, in which he is discovering and explaining the philosophy of Architects regarding the use of green spaces in projects.
We accepted the invitation with enthusiasm because it represented an opportunity to talk about outdoor topics and the centrality of vegetation in our projects.
We had the opportunity to talk about interior and exterior design, focusing on the theme of green design which is the central idea of most of our projects, since we deeply believe in raising sustainability awareness.
There are projects in which ‘green’ interventions are smaller and projects in which the architectural approach to this issue is strongly visible. Even small interventions inside offices or houses could result in an awareness-raising. For instance, if a green wall is built inside an office, this will neither consist of an ecosystem nor be an excuse to call oneself ’green‘; it is just an action through which our Architects wants to raise awareness on the green topic.
When we project external areas, our philosophy consists in subtracting as many materials as possible for the benefit of vegetation. The Green Styling project is an excellent example to understand how important it is for us to make people perceive vegetation not as something ornamental but as something that is a living part of our lives and contributes to our mental well-being.
We thus invite you to discover our world, which is made up of many varied nuances.